Biskup na snowboardu: a new book released

The Vyšehrad publishing house has introduced a new book titled Biskup na snowboardu. Starting today, December 6, the book of interviews with the bishop Tomáš Holub is also available in bookshops in Pilsen.

The official presentation of the book will take place in the second half of January 2018, both in Prague and Pilsen.

Book description

Martin Veselovský, an editor, presenter, co-founder of the DVTV internet television and award-winning journalist (Novinářská cena, Cena Karla Havlíčka Borovského, Cena Ferdinanda Peroutky)

interviews Tomáš Holub, the first Czech military chaplain, participant of IFOR/SFOR, negotiator in the church restitution and current bishop of the Diocese of Pilsen about topical church issues and his personal life.

Martin Veselovský about their informal interview:

“It’s part of my job to be curious. For the 15 years we have been meeting, I have been curious about Tomáš Holub. Me as a journalist asking questions, he in surprisingly diverse positions from a military chaplain, the General Secretary of Czech Bishop Conference to a bishop. From a guy who managed to stand his ground as a priest among soldiers, a tough negotiator in the questions of church restitution, to a bishop living in the fascinating era of Pope Francis. On these pages we both have the chance to step out of these roles, to talk about experience and feelings without the pressure to make a good headline. Let´s see how we will do.”

The book is available on  

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